Our Team

Tom has a degree in Jewellery and Silversmithing but at Tustains is concentrated on watches.
“We are fixated on the time. However much we measure it, we can never control it. It is always against us but we fix it to our wrist all the same. It’s a bit like keeping your eye on the enemy. Clearly, there is a lot more to owning a watch than knowing the time. That shows our sensitivity, our humanity. If we want what we don’t need, it’s because we feel a connection with it. That is what I love about watches.
We don’t need open fires now we have radiators, but we love them”.

Joe started his career in the graphic design industry, but by watching his father working at the jewellery bench, he found a passion and interest in jewellery design and making.
“When I started working with jewellery I found many similarities in the theory of typography and the balance and form in jewellery design.”
His studies in gemmology allowed him to develop a further passion for gemstones; “I try to look at gems in terms of ‘real world’ beauty and attempt to avoid preconceived ideas.”